From the era of boxy designs, and it truly works. The epitome of simplicity and no fluff added. This particular model was converted from an automatic to a manual transmission while still retaining its AWD capabilites.
To pay homage to the a bygone era, I decided to create this set around a retro atmosphere as if this was shot during those times. I kept the colour palette within the yellow, orange and red range and added some additional lighting techniques in post production. Shot during the evening hours, I worked with light and shadow to allow for more of a dramatic and surreal finish.
To pay homage to the a bygone era, I decided to create this set around a retro atmosphere as if this was shot during those times. I kept the colour palette within the yellow, orange and red range and added some additional lighting techniques in post production. Shot during the evening hours, I worked with light and shadow to allow for more of a dramatic and surreal finish.